Evaluation: Usability


Data Analysis

Score Calculation

To get the score for the usability of the system (u) for each participant, you have to encode the five positive answers with 0 to 4 and the negative answers with 4 to 0.

To get the SUS score per user (x), you sum up all ten answers getting a number between 0 and 40. This number is then multiplied by 2.5 leaving you with the SUS score per user.
To get the final score for the usability of the system (u) for all participants, you have to sum up all the individual SUS scores (x) and divide them by the number of participants (n).

Calculate the Cronbach Alpha value for your data. The Cronbach Alpha values should be greater than 0.7. It resembles the internal consistency of your scale. Low values could indicate that some items were interpreted unexpectedly by participants. If your Cronbach Alpha Score is low, you should be careful when interpreting the results. A free online calculator can be found here. Insert all your raw values, one column per item. Do not calculate the Alpha Score for each question, but for all 10 of the SUS questionnaire at once.

Comparing two or more groups statistically

Interpreting the Results


[1] - Brooke, John. "SUS-A quick and dirty usability scale." Usability evaluation in industry

189.194 (1996): 4-7.

[2] - Bangor, Aaron, Philip Kortum, and James Miller. "Determining what individual SUS scores mean: Adding an adjective rating scale." Journal of usability studies 4.3 (2009): 114-123.